Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dirty Water

Today 1.1 billion people will have no choice but to drink dirty water...World Vision has produced a hard hitting viral to emphasise the fundamental importance of clean water for daily life, sanitation and hygiene and how 1.1 billion people worldwide are without this basic human need.
The film which can be seen at has taken the seeming normality of a BT-style family scene and subverted it to play out a nightmare scenario. It's a developing world issue transplanted to a first world context with a horrifying conclusion......
Today 1.1 billion will have no choice but to drink dirty water.
Thanks to an accident of birth, you're not one of them.
But what if you were? If you had to wash the dishes with it, bathe in it, drink it - and ask yourself this question-if you had to give dirty water to those you love knowing it could kill them, would you?

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